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الأخبار : مقالة

Commission discusses future of education in the Arab region

الجرافيك Children stand in a school hallway, Amman, Jordan

The meeting involved representatives from 14 Arab national human rights institutions, as well as representatives of UNESCO.

The Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) recently took part in a consultative meeting on the future of education in the Arab region, organized by the Arab Network for National Human Rights Institutions and the Arab Institute for Human Rights via closed-circuit video.

Assistant Professor Dr. Anas A. Muhammed presented the Commission's paper on the Reality of the Right to Education in Iraq, with the participation of other members of the Board of Commissioners, Dr. Thamer al-Shammari and Dr. Fadhil al-Gharrawi.

The meeting involved representatives of 14 Arab national human rights institutions, in addition to representatives of UNESCO, in order to develop a future vision and practical ideas to support the education strategy until the year 2050.

Date: 30 June 2020

Source: Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights

مصادر الصورة

  1. Children stand in a school hallway, Amman, Jordan - SuSanA Secretariat, Flickr CC