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الأخبار : مقالة

ICC releases accreditation report

الجرافيك United Nations, Geneva

Six APF members recently took part in the review process to assess their compliance with the international standards set out in the Paris Principles.

Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions LogoGlobal Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions

The International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (the ICC) released its most recent Accreditation Report this month.

The report sets out the recommendations made by the ICC Sub-Committee on Accreditation following its November 2015 session and the final accreditation decisions of the ICC Bureau in January 2016.

Thirteen national human rights institutions (NHRIs) from all four regions were assessed by the Sub-Committee to determine their compliance with the international standards set out in the Paris Principles.

The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission was accredited with B status. The SCA commended the institution "for its continuing efforts to promote human rights despite the challenging context in which it operates".

Three APF member institutions – Malaysia, Palestine and Qatar – were reaccredited with A status, while consideration of Jordan's application for reaccreditation was deferred to the second session of 2016.

Following a lengthy review process by the Sub-Committee, the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand was accredited with B status.

The Sub-Committee made recommendations on the accreditation status of recently-established NHRIs in Cyprus (B status) and Ireland (A status)

It also considered the reaccreditation applications from the NHRIs of Germany (A status), Great Britain (A status), Luxembourg (A status) and Morocco (A status).

In addition, the Sub-Committee deferred a review of issues in relation to the NHRI of Egypt to the second session of 2016.

The report of the Sub-Committee's November 2015 session is available on the ICC website.

A status NHRIs are able to participate independently at the UN Nations Human Rights Council and its subsidiary bodies. Those in the Asia Pacific region are eligible for full membership of the APF, while "B status" institutions are eligible for associate membership of the APF.

The APF was represented on the Sub-Committee by the Palestine Independent Commission for Human Rights.

The APF secretariat attended the meeting as an observer, along with the regional coordinating bodies of NHRIs from Africa, the Americas and Europe.

Date: 27 January 2015

مصادر الصورة

  1. United Nations, Geneva - APF/James Iliffe