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الأخبار : مقالة

Commission seeks protection for child jockeys

الجرافيك Jockeys

The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia has contacted the governors of each province to request a postponement of all regional horse races.

The National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia has contacted the governors of each province to request that they postpone all regional horse races until June 2015 in order to protect child jockeys from harm.

Following on from a recommendation made to the Prime Minister of Mongolia, the Commission wants to stop child jockeys being involved in the winter and spring horse races to protect their rights to life and health.

The Commission also noted that it is not appropriate to organise betting on horse races as the Minister of Justice has repealed the "rules of procedure to organise paid and bet games".

Under the Commission's legislation, the governors are required to reply to the Commission within seven days on the actions they have taken in response to these recommendations.

Date: 23 March 2015

Source: National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia

مصادر الصورة

  1. Jockeys - zoanna, Flickr Creative Commons