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الأخبار : مقالة

New Zealand: Commission calls for inquiry into Waikeria protest


The Human Rights Commission said important lessons must be learnt from the Waikeria prison protest.

The Human Rights Commission said important lessons must be learnt from the Waikeria prison protest.

Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt strongly recommended that an independent inquiry be carried out and the Office of the Ombudsman was well placed to undertake it.

"Let's see what an inquiry establishes, but keep in mind that the Ombudsman's team of investigators has been telling us for years that conditions in many of our prisons are sub-standard and do not meet basic international human rights requirements," Mr Hunt said.

He said it was a mistake to see the Waikeria protest as an isolated one-off.

"Whatever triggered this protest, poor prison conditions are a vital part of the context. Last August, the Ombudsman published a report on Waikeria and concluded that the high security complex is no longer fit for purpose," Mr Hunt added.

"Only last month the Human Rights Commission published a report that demonstrated serious failings in the prison system. We know the human rights standards, we know the failings. There is no shortage of reports and recommendations, including some from Corrections itself, yet progress is glacial. I sense no urgency."

There are some very fine staff working for Corrections, but I am sorry to say that not everyone has got the message

Chief Commissioner Paul Hunt ،New Zealand Human Rights Commission

"For example, during the protest it was reported that the non-supply of water was used as a negotiating tactic. If that proves to be accurate, this was inhumane and unlawful and suggests that some people in Corrections are living in the past."

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon commended mana whenua and all others working behind the scenes, such as Māori Party co-leader Rawiri Waititi and the Ombudsman, to bring the protest to a peaceful resolution.

"The protest has raised serious questions about inhumane standards in our prisons, and it is very important the prisoners involved are now treated decently and with respect," Mr Foon said.

Date: 4 January 2021

Source: New Zealand Human Rights Commission

مصادر الصورة

  1. Source: New Zealand Human Rights Commission