Environment and climate change

Climate change and the right to a healthy environment

One of the most urgent human rights issues facing communities in the Asia Pacific is the impact of climate change and environmental harm.

Millions of people across the region face threats from rising sea levels, extreme weather, and other climate impacts. Additionally, corporate activities often lead to emissions, pollution, and environmental damage, endangering community health and livelihoods.

We also know that the human rights impacts on vulnerable groups – including women, children, people with disabilities and indigenous peoples – is greatly magnified.

In safeguarding the rights of current and future generations, let’s treat our planet with the kindness and the humility it deserves. And let’s make sure that actions to safeguard our environment are grounded in the human rights of all."

Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

The role of NHRIs

NHRIs can play a vital role in responding to and mitigating these human rights impacts, linking the international commitments made by their State with national actions.

They can, for example, advise their governments on their obligations to implement the Paris Agreement, as well as supporting effective climate governance and facilitating progress towards zero-carbon economies.

A UN Human Rights Council resolution in October 2022 recognised NHRIs' vital role in monitoring climate change impacts and advising on mitigation and adaptation policies.

This ‘bridging role’ extends to engaging with climate change responses at the regional level, where NHRIs can bridge local experiences and regional policies, connecting grassroots insights to regional climate policy-making and promoting these policies at the national level.

National activities for regional impact

Our Inter-Governmental Mechanisms (IGM) Project, funded by the European Union, enhanced the ability of NHRIs to address human rights, climate change, and the environment, while promoting collaboration with their IGMs.

In addition to a range of activities to strengthen ties with their respective IGMS, four NHRIs—Thailand, the Philippines, Fiji, and Samoa—undertook national activities to protect and promote human rights in relation to climate change:

  • Fiji: Assessed climate change impacts on human rights, collected disaggregated data, and evaluated the Climate Change Act’s adequacy in protecting vulnerable communities.
  • Philippines: Documented climate change impacts on communities, businesses, and government, and supported the regional framework on environmental rights in Southeast Asia.
  • Samoa: Held a High-Level Dialogue and workshop to influence policies safeguarding human rights in the context of climate change.
  • Thailand: Empowered local communities to advocate for environmental rights, with input for ASEAN’s proposed regional framework.

Find out more about the IGM Project, including the broad range of initiatives and dialogues which strengthened links between NHRIs and IGMs.

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Advancing human rights in our region