We support National Human Rights Institutions to protect and promote human rights

What we do

Advancing human rights in our region.

We promote the establishment of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in the Asia Pacific and support our members to be as effective as possible.

We do this by providing a comprehensive suite of programs and services, as well as contributing the collective voice of our members to discussion of human rights issues at the regional and international levels.

  • Supporting the establishment of NHRIs

    We provide advice and assistance to governments and parliaments to establish NHRIs in compliance with the Paris Principles.

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  • Capacity development training

    We offer a broad range of capacity development programs that help strengthen the capabilities of our members to do their vital work.

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  • International accreditation support

    APF members take part in a regular review process by GANHRI to assess compliance with the Paris Principles.

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  • Capacity assessments

    Capacity Assessments identify the current capacities of the NHRI and those that need to be strengthened.

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  • Advice and expertise

    We provide advice and expertise to our members, as well to governments and civil society organisations in the region.

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  • Regional and international engagement

    We contribute the collective voice of our members to discussions of human rights at the regional and international level.

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  • Gender equality

    Among the global community of NHRIs, we play a leading role to promote and monitor gender equality.

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  • Supporting effective leadership

    We assist NHRI leaders to manage their institutions to the highest levels of independence, accountability and efficiency.

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  • Collaborating and sharing knowledge

    One of the great strengths of the APF is the solidarity that exists between our members.

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Our Approach

Building a network of stronger National Human Rights Institutions.

Sharing expertise and taking collective action is essential to advance genuine change on human rights issues. That's why collaboration lies at the heart of our work.

APF members have a shared vision and a shared commitment to drive positive and sustained changes for individuals and communities across the Asia Pacific. We also work closely with a wide range of partners, including key UN agencies and non-governmental organisations.

Many of the APF's activities are designed to support our members so they can be as effective as possible, including:

  • Thematic training programs to build knowledge and skills that are central to the work of independent NHRIs

  • Capacity assessments that enable our members to identify practical steps they can take to strengthen their institutions

  • Specialised programs to meet the needs of individual members or to address a serious human rights issue.

  • High Level Dialogues to engage newly-appointed Commissioners in a conversation on their responsibilities and their individual and collective goals

  • Providing legal and policy advice to our members, including supporting our members with the international accreditation process

“As a human rights commission, what we are doing is making sure that the silent voices of those people whose rights are violated are heard.”

Ahmed Tholal, Former Vice Chairperson, Human Rights Commission of the Maldives

Human Rights Issues

We provide the support our members need to be powerful agents for change.

Our members play a critical role in contributing to genuine reforms talking place in different parts of the Asia Pacific region.

Change can take many forms, including removing discrimination in laws and policies, improving the practices of law enforcement and government officials, promoting better ways of doing business, and challenging negative stereotypes about vulnerable groups in the community.

To support this work, we collaborate with a range of partners – civil society organisations, governments and international organisations – to help build communities where the human rights of all people are protected.

  • Supporting Human Rights Defenders

    Human rights defenders are individuals, groups, or organisations who seek to promote and protect human rights through peaceful means.

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  • Environment and climate change

    All human beings depend on a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment in which to live.

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  • Gender equality

    We support our members to mainstream gender and protect the human rights of women, girls, and people of diverse gender identities.

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  • Business and Human Rights

    Promoting respect for human rights by business is a priority for the APF and for our members.

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  • Promoting Reproductive Rights

    When a woman can exercise her reproductive rights, she is better able to enjoy other basic rights and freedoms.

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  • Rights of people with disabilities

    No matter what our background, we all have the same right to be treated fairly, contribute to our community, and make decisions for ourselves.

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  • Sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics

    We should all enjoy equal rights and equal protection, no matter who we are or who we love.

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  • Children's rights

    The best interests of the child must be the starting point when any decisions are made that affect his or her life.

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Our Impact

Our Impact in 2022-23

We work collaboratively with our members and partners to contribute to long-term, sustainable change. In 2022-23, we:

  • Launched our new Strategic Plan 2022-27

  • Strengthened NHRI engagement with regional mechanisms on the human rights impacts of climate change

  • Co-hosted a Pacific Regional Forum on National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs)

  • Facilitated the safe relocation of 604 Afghanistan NHRI staff and their families

  • Published an updated torture prevention guide for NHRIs, fully revised to include gender dimensions

Advancing human rights in our region