23rd APF Annual Meeting

The 23rd APF Annual Meeting brought together all 24 APF members, along with other NHRIs in the region.

The 23rd APF Annual Meeting was held in Hong Kong from 18-19 September 2018.

It brought together all 24 APF member institutions, along with representatives from the NHRIs of Fiji and Pakistan.

APF members provided an overview of their current activities and priorities, as well as held an open dialogue with civil society organisations in the region on issues of shared concern.

Elections were held for the new five-member APF Governance Committee, as well as a number of roles to represent the Asia Pacific region at the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions.

Forum Councillors also considered an application from the Ombudsman of the Kyrgyz Republic for membership of the APF.

Immediately following the Annual Meeting, APF members took part in the Conference on Equality in the Asia Pacific 2018: Progress and Challenges on 20-21 September 2018.

Co-hosted by the APF and the Hong Kong Equal Opportunity Commission, the discussions explored progress on equality in Hong Kong and across the Asia Pacific.

Keynote speakers and participants shared their insights on progress and challenges in relation to: women and equality; racial equality; and equality for people with disabilities.

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