APF-GANHRI advocacy at the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Four NHRIs from the Asia Pacific joined with counterparts from Europe and Africa to continue their advocacy at CSW 63.

Four national human rights institutions (NHRIs) from the Asia Pacific joined ith their counterparts from Europe and Africa to take part in discussions and advocacy efforts at the 63rd Session of Commission on the Status of Women.

The priority theme for CSW 63 was social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

Senior representatives from the NHRIs of Afghanistan, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines took part in a range of events during the two-week session in New York, which brought together governments, NGOs and policy makers.

With support from the APF and the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), they continued their ongoing campaign to secure the independent participation of NHRIs in the work of CSW.

Unlike at the Human Rights Council, 'A status' NHRIs are not able to participate in their own right in meetings of the CSW and can only attend as part of their country's government delegation, if they are invited, or with the support of an accredited NGO.

The advocacy by the APF, GANHRI and individual NHRIs resulted in stand-alone paragraph in the Agreed Conclusions, adopted at the conclusion of CSW 63, that the "Commission recalls General Assembly resolution 72/181 of 19 December 2017 and encourages the secretariat to continue its consideration of how to enhance the participation, including at the sixty-fourth session of the Commission, of national human rights institutions that are fully compliant with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (Paris Principles), where they exist, in compliance with the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council".

As part of the NHRI campaign at CSW 63:

  • Florence Simbiri-Jaoko (GANHRI Special Envoy), Dr Sima Samar (Chairperson, Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission) and Kate Jenkins (Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner) addressed a High Level Interactive Dialogue on 'Accelerating implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action'
  • An APF-GANHRI-UNFPA side event on 'Advancing gender equality and sexual and reproductive health rights' featured speakers from the NHRIs of the Afghanistan, Philippines, Georgia and Northern Ireland, as well as UNFPA's Deputy Executive Director.

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  1. NHRI representatives at CSW 63 - APF

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