APF conducts Capacity Assessment Review of Fiji's NHRI

The APF recently conducted a Capacity Assessment Review (CAR) of the Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission (FHRADC) to help strengthen its work and operations.

The APF has conducted a Capacity Assessment Review (CAR) of the Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission (FHRADC) to help strengthen its work and operations.

The review, conducted in partnership with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), assessed the extent to which the Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission (FHRADC) had implemented recommendations from a 2020 Capacity Assessment (CA) and looked at strategies to address current challenges and gaps.

Held in Suva and Lautoka, Fiji, from 17-21 June 2024, the review highlighted the Commission’s strengths, achievements and challenges over the past four years and focused on four key strategic priorities set out in the 2020 report.

The review included extensive discussions with the FHRADC’s Director, Chairperson, and staff. Key stakeholders, including Fiji’s Attorney-General, Acting Deputy Police Commissioner, Correction Facilities Assistant Commissioner, former commissioners, and representatives from the Legal Aid Commission and UN agencies also participated. Meetings were also held with regional partners, NGOs, and media organisations across Fiji.

A capacity assessment review enables the NHRI to evaluate progress made since the last capacity assessment and determine which recommendations are still relevant, providing a strong foundation for the Commission's ongoing work."

Pip Dargan, Principal Adviser, APF Leadership Services

The APF CA and review processes aim to support NHRIs to assess their institutional and internal capacities and their ability to effectively fulfil their mandate to promote and protect human rights at the national level.

A draft CAR report will be presented for the FHRADC to review and provide feedback prior to its finalisation.

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Image credits

  1. Representatives from the APF and FHRADC in Suva and Lautoka, Fiji - APF

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