APF holds High-Level Dialogue with Mongolian NHRI

A high-level dialogue with the NHRCM provided an opportunity to discuss the priorities of the institution and identify potential areas of APF support.

The APF has convened a High-Level Dialogue with the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM), to provide an overview of the APF's work and to exchange ideas on strengthening capacity across all areas of the organisation.

The dialogue, held virtually from 31 October – 2 November, provided an opportunity to engage with NHRCM senior leaders, including recently appointed Commissioners, on a range of topics, including the Commission’s role as a National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) for Mongolia.

NPMs are torture prevention bodies which conduct regular monitoring visits to places of detention and have a key role to play in complementing the work of international human rights mechanisms such as the UN Human Rights Council, Treaty Bodies, and visiting UN mechanisms including Special Procedures and the UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture.

The three-day dialogue also included discussions about the role of the Commission in protecting and promoting the rights of human rights defenders (HRDs).

During the meeting, Khunan Jargalsaikhan, NHRCM Chairperson, provided an overview of the Commission’s current work, while Commissioner Dondov Sangisharav presented on the NHRCM’s current engagement and achievements relating to the Commission’s HRDs mechanism. Commissioner Tselmen Yadamjav provides an outline of current engagement relating to the role of the Commission as NPM.

The dialogue was facilitated by Pip Dargan, APF Principal Adviser on Capacity Assessments and International Engagement representing the APF secretariat, with participation from Phillip Wardle, APF Legal and Policy Manager, and APF Expert NHRI Consultants Rosslyn Noonan, Karen Gomez-Dumpit and Jerald Joseph.

The APF looks forward to working closely with the Commission to support it in strengthening its capacity to deliver on its human rights mandate.

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  • Asia Pacific Forum
  • National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia

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