APF provides Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning support to Timor Leste’s NHRI

The APF has supported the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice (PDHJ) of Timor Leste to develop a Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) framework and plan, to strengthen its work in protecting and promoting human rights.

The activity was designed to strengthen the overall understanding of MEAL within the institution, along with building leadership and expertise in the facilitation of MEAL processes.

In addition to a desk review and remote engagement with PDHJ staff, a MEAL workshop was held in Dili, Timor Leste, from 19-21 June 2023. The workshop was facilitated by APF consultant, Dr Jill Chrisp and the APF’s Acting Capacity Development Manager, Dr Ahmed Shahid.

The three-day workshop was attended by 18 senior staff of the PDHJ and inaugurated by Provedor Virgilio da Silva Guterres, who emphasised the importance of strengthening the strategic direction of the PDHJ and measuring the impact of its programmes and activities more effectively.

He said the PDHJ is committed to bolstering its internal and external accountability mechanisms and highlighted the timeliness of the MEAL support provided by APF. After the workshop, the consultants and senior leadership of PDHJ worked for a further two days to finalise the MEAL framework and plan.

PDHJ’s MEAL framework and plan will further refine the monitoring and evaluation aspects of its current Strategic Plan (2021-2025) by reviewing and strengthening the existing indicators, baselines, targets and data sources. In addition, core elements of accountability and learning are integrated into the MEAL framework, which elaborates on how PDHJ can strengthen its reporting structure and processes. 

A MEAL framework supports NHRIs to gather data for reporting on the impact it has on human rights in its country, and to gauge how well they are achieving their strategic priorities. Developing a MEAL culture within an NHRI encourages everyone in the organisation to take responsibility for effective implementation of its activities and continuous learning.

The APF has produced a resource, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning: A Guide for National Human Rights Institutions, to support NHRIs to strengthen their monitoring and evaluation processes. The resource is downloadable and provides practical step-by-step guidelines, tools, and resources for NHRIs to integrate MEAL into their work.

The APF will continue to engage with the PDHJ on the implementation of the MEAL framework and plan in the coming months.

Date: 28 June 2023

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  • Provedor for Human Rights and Justice of Timor-Leste

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