APF to co-host dialogue on human rights and climate change

The role of NHRIs in addressing the human rights impacts of climate change will be the focus of an upcoming APF Virtual Dialogue.

The role of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in addressing the human rights impacts of climate change will be the focus of an upcoming APF Virtual Dialogue, to be held at the request of the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission.

Across the Asia Pacific, millions of people are at risk from the impacts of climate change. NHRIs have a role to play in advising their governments on their obligations to implement the Paris Agreement, as well as supporting effective climate governance, facilitating progress towards zero-carbon economies, and ensuring that decisions on climate change are participatory, non-discriminatory, and accountable.

The virtual dialogue will provide a regional platform for APF members and prospective members to exchange information, share best practices, achievements, and challenges in relation to their work to protect human rights in relation to climate change.

It is the fifth event in the APF Virtual Dialogue Series, which brings together NHRIs from across the Asia Pacific to share how they work to promote and protect human rights in the era of COVID-19 and to discuss opportunities for collaboration.

Previous dialogues in the series include:

  • The Monitoring of Detention Centres during COVID-19 (under the leadership of the Malaysian National Human Rights Commission)
  • The Advancement of Vulnerable Groups During COVID-19 and the role of NHRIs (under the leadership of the Korean National Human Rights Commission)
  • NHRIs and the rights of people with disabilities (under the leadership of the National Human Rights Commission of India)
  • Discrimination in Employment, Pay Equity and the role of NHRIs (held in partnership with the New Zealand National Human Rights Commission).

The event will be held on Zoom and conducted in English. APF members and prospective members are encouraged to participate and are welcome to deliver a presentation on a topic relating to human rights and climate change.

To register your interest to attend, please contact Pip Dargan, APF Principal Adviser, Capacity Development and International Engagement at pipdargan@asiapacificforum.net

Follow the APF Virtual Dialogue Series on social media: #APFDialogueSeries

Date: 31 October 2022

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Image credits

  1. Climate activists in Dhaka, Bangladesh - Mamunur Rashid on Shutterstock

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