Building confidence for accreditation
The APF has launched an annual accreditation program to support NHRIs to engage with the international accreditation process.

Following the success of a pilot workshop in January 2020, the APF has launched an annual NHRI Accreditation Program to support APF members and prospective members to engage with the international accreditation process.
To be effective and independent, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) must be established and operate in accordance with the international standards set out in the Paris Principles.
APF members, along with NHRIs from other regions of the world, take part in a regular review process coordinated by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), through its Subcommittee on Accreditation (SCA), to assess their compliance with the Paris Principles.
The aim of the annual accreditation program is to increase the confidence of participants on accreditation, improve accreditation outcomes for existing and prospective APF members, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge between NHRIs on GANHRI accreditation.
The 2022 program, held over six weeks from 4 January to 18 February, included two components: an online learning component, and a series of live sessions with panel discussions, Q&A sessions and practical exercises.

Participants from the NHRIs of Australia, Indonesia, Jordan, Philippines, Thailand and the Office of the Ombudsman of Turkmenistan took part in the program, which was facilitated by APF Legal and Policy Manager, Phillip Wardle, and APF Manager of Capacity Development, Kate Turner-Mann.
Staff from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Turkmenistan also joined the live sessions, in support of the Ombudsman’s participation in the program.
The live sessions included presentations from the NHRIs of Samoa, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Malaysia who provided insights into their experience undergoing accreditation.
This included presentations from the Ombudsman of Samoa, Luamanuvao Katalaina Sapolu, and the Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), Tan Sri Othman bin Hashim, who both shared valuable insight from their participation in the interview with the SCA.
The sessions also provided the opportunity for in-depth discussions on some of the practical details of the accreditation process.
The APF looks forward to continuing to support NHRIs undergoing accreditation and enabling members to share their experiences with the various procedures of the SCA.
Date: 28 February 2022
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Image credits
Meeting of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions - GANHRI
Participants during the accreditation workshop live sessions - APF