Cambodia moves closer to establishing NHRI

The APF has taken part in discussions focused on establishing a national human rights institution in Cambodia.

The APF has taken part in roundtable discussions with the Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on a proposal to establish a national human rights institution (NHRI) in Cambodia.

Held in Phnom Penh in early July, the discussions focused on finalising the draft legislation to establish an NHRI in compliance with the Paris Principles, the international standards for the mandate and performance of NHRIs.

Since 2020, the APF has worked closely with the CHRC and OHCHR on the development of the draft law, providing policy advice and examples of best practice from other NHRIs in the region.

The CHRC has now completed an extensive consultation process on the draft law, with feedback and submissions received from civil society organisations, government, and the public.

The legislation is likely to be finalised for introduction to the Cambodian National Assembly by the end of the year.

“We were pleased to participate in the latest series of discussions and are excited by the progress made by the CHRC,” said APF Legal and Policy Manager, Phillip Wardle.

“We look forward to continuing to support the establishment of an independent NHRI, with the aim of strengthening the protection and promotion of human rights in Cambodia."

Date: 28 July 2022

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Image credits

  1. Roundtable discussions in Phnom Penh - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

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