Strengthening the role of NHRIs in torture prevention

The APF, in partnership with the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), delivered a three-day workshop on the prevention of torture and ill-treatment, funded by the European Union.

The APF, in partnership with the Association for the Prevention of Torture, delivered a three-day workshop on the prevention of torture and ill-treatment, funded by the European Union.

The workshop, held from 18-20 June in Bangkok, Thailand, focused on strengthening the role of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) designated as National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) under the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture (OPCAT).

Torture often occurs in secrecy, behind closed doors, and out of public sight. One of the most effective strategies to prevent torture and ill-treatment is to open places of detention to independent oversight.

The OPCAT establishes a system for preventing torture through international oversight by the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and by NPMs. States have the flexibility to designate existing or new institutions as NPMs. Since OPCAT's entry into force in 2006, an increasing number of NHRIs have been chosen for this crucial role.

Recognising the importance of NHRIs designated as NPMs, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, the workshop aimed to connect APF members in these roles. It provided a platform for exchanging knowledge, experiences, challenges, and successful strategies in torture prevention.

The workshop also aimed to strengthen the capacity of these institutions and establish a supportive and collaborative community of practice across the region. Participants forged connections and cultivated a network that is expected to continue beyond the workshop, enhancing their ability to fulfil their mandates effectively.

Representatives from the NHRIs from Kazakhstan, Maldives, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Sri Lanka participated in the workshop, with the Philippines and Thailand joining as observers.

This workshop was part of the implementation of the NHRI.EU Phase 3 project, funded by the European Union.

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  • European Union

Image credits

  1. Participants of the torture prevention workshop hosted by the APF and APT - APF

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