Virtual dialogue on ratifying OPCAT: experiences from Asia Pacific NHRIs

This event will bring together NHRIs to share insights and strategies on advancing the ratification and implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT).

The APF, in partnership with the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK), will host a virtual dialogue on the experiences of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in advancing the ratification and implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT).

The online event, to be held on 2 September, will facilitate knowledge exchange and strengthen partnerships among countries working towards the ratification and implementation of OPCAT.

Navigating challenges in implementing OPCAT

OPCAT is a crucial international instrument in the global fight against torture and other forms of ill-treatment. However, several countries in the Asia Pacific region are still navigating challenges in ratifying and implementing the protocol.

This webinar aims to support these efforts by sharing strategies and progress made by other countries, with a focus on the role of NHRIs in advocating for OPCAT.

Participants will explore successful advocacy strategies undertaken by NHRIs and gain insights from shared experiences in implementing the protocol. The event will also address common challenges and provide practical advice for countries in the process of ratification.

Sharing strategies and best practices

Moderated by Pip Dargan, Principal Adviser, APF Leadership Services, the webinar will feature opening remarks from Ms Chaewon Yoon, Director, Human Rights Policy at the NHRCK.

Speakers will include Ben Buckland, Senior Adviser at the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT), who will discuss global trends and challenges in ratifying OPCAT. Representatives from the NHRIs of Australia and Mongolia will also share their countries' experiences and key lessons learned during the ratification and implementation process.

Through this dialogue, participants are expected to enhance their understanding of the OPCAT ratification process, learn best practices for implementation, and strengthen collaboration among NHRIs in the Asia Pacific region as they work towards this critical goal.

Fostering regional collaboration

This event is part of the APF Virtual Dialogue Series, which promotes engagement and the sharing of best practices among APF members and prospective members. The series provides a valuable platform for NHRIs to discuss their ongoing efforts to promote and protect human rights and to explore opportunities for future collaboration.

Follow the APF Virtual Dialogue Series on social media: #APFDialogueSeries

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