Guide to the international accreditation process

The GANHRI accreditation process aims to be comprehensive, rigorous and transparent.

The role of the Sub-Committee on Accreditation is to consider whether prospective and existing member NHRIs are established and function as independent bodies according the standards set out in the Paris Principles.

Under the GANHRI Statute, these reviews occur:

  • When an NHRI applies for initial accreditation
  • When an NHRI applies for re-accreditation every five years
  • Where the circumstances of an NHRI change in any way that may affect its compliance with the Paris Principles.

On completion of its assessment, the Sub-Committee makes a recommendation to the GANHRI Bureau, which then makes a final decision on the NHRI's accreditation status.

The APF can provide support, as requested, to its member institutions before, during and after the accreditation process.

The review process is set out in full in the Sub-Committee's Rules of Procedure .

Accreditation status

NHRIs which are considered to fully comply with the Paris Principles are accredited 'A status', while those that partially comply are accredited 'B status'.

'A status' organisations are eligible for full membership of GANHRI, including the right to vote and hold governance positions, while NHRIs accredited with 'B status' may participate in GANHRI meetings but are unable to vote or hold governance positions.

In addition, only 'A status' NHRIs have independent participation rights at the United Nations Human Rights Council and its subsidiary bodies.


The members of the Sub-Committee include representatives from NHRIs in each of the four regional groupings.


The Sub-Committee meets in Geneva - generally in March and November - to consider accreditation applications.

In addition to the material provided by the applicant, the Sub-Committee will consider other sources of information, including reports from civil society organisations.

Once the Sub-Committee has considered an application, it presents a report and recommendations to the GANHRI Bureau which has responsibility for making the final decision on the accreditation of NHRIs.

The APF, along with other regional coordinating committees of NHRIs, are invited to attend the meeting as observers.

In this role, the APF has been able to comment on individual applications, the practice and procedure of the Sub-Committee and proposals for General Observations.

Following a decision of the Forum Council in 2008, the APF also provides support to the Asia Pacific representative on the Sub-Committee.

General Observations

The Sub-Committee has developed a series of General Observations that are intended to:

  • Provide guidance to NHRIs in developing their own processes and mechanisms
  • Assist governments in addressing issues relating to a NHRI's compliance with the Paris Principles
  • Guide the Sub-Committee in its determination of new accreditation applications, re-accreditation applications or special reviews.

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