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Rights of people with disabilities

Graphic: Staff of Samoa's NHRI meeting with people with disabilities

Hundreds of millions of people in the Asia Pacific region have a disability. Many live in poverty and suffer prejudice, discrimination and exclusion.

People with disabilities are routinely denied opportunities for work and education and face barriers in accessing places and services others in the community take for granted. Too often, they are victims of violence, sexual abuse, forced sterilisation and institutionalisation.

In 2008, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities came into force. It sets out 50 articles that aim to counter discrimination and transform the lives of people with disabilities.

The challenge is to make the rights set out in the Convention a reality in the day-to-day lives of people with disabilities.

New Zealand's Disability Rights Commissioner Paula Tesoriero describes the important role of national human rights institutions to promote and protect the human rights of disabled people.

Graphic: NHRI consultation with people with disabilities

National institutions need to respect the principle that people with disabilities brought to the drafting of the Convention; nothing about us, without us.

UN human rights treaty bodies Logo Rosemary Kayess, UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Across the Asia Pacific, national human rights institutions (NHRIs) work closely with disabled peoples' organisations, government, employers and other groups to build understanding of disability issues and to address the structural barriers that lie at the heart of discrimination.

A number of NHRIs – including Australia, the Maldives, New Zealand and Palestine - have run national inquiries to improve access for people with disabilities to work, study and public transport.

NHRIs also have an important role – set out in article 33 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – to promote, protect and monitor the rights of people with disabilities. They do this in partnership with disabled peoples' organisations

Promoting and protecting the rights of people with disabilities is a priority issue for the APF. We played a positive and constructive role when the Convention was being drafted.

Fact sheets

The following ten fact sheets have been developed from the APF publication, Human Rights and Disability: A Manual for National Human Rights Institution.

The fact sheets look at some of the key principles set out in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and how NHRIs can apply these principles to make a genuine difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

Graphic: Disability consultation in Apia, Samoa

Human Rights and Disability: A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions

APF manual examines how NHRIs can use their unique mandate to promote and protect the human rights of people with disabilities (updated 2018)


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Manual - full

Human Rights and Disability: A Manual for National Human Rights Institutions

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Image credits

  1. Staff of Samoa's NHRI meeting with people with disabilities - Office of the Ombudsman of Samoa
  2. NHRI consultation with people with disabilities - Human Rights Commission of Malaysia